Enlarge | New fuel depot in Ulan-Ude airport |
26 Feb 2014 |
 Last week-end in Dynamo in Krylatskoye Palace of Sports the 9th International mini-football tournament “The Day of the Civil Aviation” took place. 20 teams representing air lines, airports, federal air entities and air industry took part in the Tournament. Aerofuels team (champion of 2011) took the second place having yielded to the Ural air line team in the final match, and the third place won Transaero Airlines (champion of 2012). Aerofuels football players have been consistently making the top three and take the second and third places, and in 2011 they won the championship. The present tournament was held within the framework of aviators’ Avia League sporting movement formed with support of the RF Ministry of Transport and the RF Federal Agency of Air Transport.
07 Feb 2014 |
 Kurgan Airport JSC prepared two cultural events at a time devoted to the Civil Aviation Day for the citizens and guests of the city. A photographic exhibition “The airport life as viewed by aviation enthusiasts” launched in the airport building. For two years on end spotting for photographers – devotees of sky and aviation has been holding to represent the airport everyday work and life captured in pictures. In the pictures the airport appeared in a quite amazing images and colours which usually are not noticed in a routine way of life, but which were truly noted by the authors. Not only professional photographers but amateur ones from Kurgan, Tyumen and Moscow exhibited their pictures there. It is worth mentioning that the airport as an exhibition space is used in Kurgan for the first time. Today such kind of exhibitions becomes quite popular with a number of the Russian and European airports. The exhibition is open daily and admission is free (Kurgan airport, 41 Gagarin street).
03 Feb 2014 |
 According to the results of 2013 refueled by the Aerofuels Group in the Russian and international airports aviation kerosene volume growth is 7% having increased up to 750 thousand tons. At the present time the Aerofuels Group supplies the Russian and international carriers with kerosene in 29 Russian airports and is able to arrange jet fuel supply to more than 1000 airports worldwide. Jet fuel sales volume growth is provided due to several factors including passenger flow growth, entry into perspective markets and new customers’ attraction. Many key customers of the Aerofuels Group - the Russian aviation companies have increased traffic volume in the Russian regions significantly and have extended their geographic footprint abroad.
29 Nov 2013 |
 Vladimir Spiridonov, Aerofuels Group General Director, became Entrepreneur Of The Year® - 2013 Award winner has been awarded in the nomination B2B. Finals of the national round of the competition took place in Moscow on November 28th, where ten best entrepreneurs of the year on the independent jury opinion were announced. This competition among business owners or companies top managers significantly contributing to business development and having turned their companies into competitive participants of the market or the branch of industry leader, has been held by EY (Ernst&Yang) company for 28 years and is rightfully considered the most prestigious international competition in the field of entrepreneur activity. Today it spreads over about 145 cities in more than 60 countries of the world. This competition has been held in Russia for 11 years already. Preliminary rounds take place in many Russian regions, and in the result the independent jury members make the list of 30 winner nominees – entrepreneurs from different fields of economy. In 2013 Vladimir Spiridonov, Aerofuels Group, and Vitaliy Savelyev, Aeroflot, were the only two nominees representing aviation.
15 Nov 2013 |
 Vladimir Spiridonov, Aerofuels Group General Director, joined Entrepreneur Of The Year® - 2013 Award competition winner nominees in Russia. Preliminary rounds took place in many Russian regions, and in the result the independent jury members made the list of 30 winner nominees from different fields of economy. Vladimir Spiridonov, Aerofuels Group, and Vitaliy Savelyev, Aeroflot, were the only two nominees representing aviation. Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award has been held by EY (Ernst&Yang) company for 28 years and is rightfully considered the most prestigious international competition in the field of entrepreneur activity. Today it spreads over about 145 cities in more than 60 countries of the world. Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award program makes it possible to mark the most successful entrepreneurs, giving opportunity to share their success story and to inspire others with their ideas. The first competition of Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award was held in1986 in the USA, in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For last five years more than 6500 entrepreneurs have become the participants of this competition and members of the entrepreneurs’ international association. They include managers of the companies known all over the world, with more than half of them joining NASDAQ-100. It is worth mentioning that success of many managers was marked by EY experts even before their companies entered this index.
15 Nov 2013 |
 Group of Companies Aerofuels acquired the second oil depot in the Tomsk area and recently it has received the certificate of ownership. The depot is situated in the vicinity of the fuel and lubricant depot having been acquired in 2011. Aerofuels Group is planning to build one of the largest oil depots in the Tomsk area. In the result of both facilities uniting the depot capacity will make 20 thousand m³. The amount of expected investments into the terminal is 270 mln rubles during next 3 years. “We think that creation of the largest transfer terminal in the Tomsk area to support, first of all, oil products export from the region will make it possible for local companies to cut costs in logistics and to enter the national and international market by arranging heavy and light oil products supply by railway”, - said Yury Popov, TZK Aerofuels General Director. “Besides, such facility operation will provide extra qualified workplaces and tax payment to the area budget”, - he added.
14 Nov 2013 |
 Within the frameworks of oil spill response drill training TZK Tomsk (a member of Group of Companies Aerofuels) and Ministry of Emergency Situations conducted the training in emergency situations remedial actions. Ministry of Emergency Situations officials together with TZK Tomsk specialists took part in this event. The training scenario dealt with the situation simulating spillage of 2000 m³ kerosene. Upon arriving the specialists of rescue-firefighting centre and Tomsk oil depot emergency teams had to stop oil products further spreading and then to clean the fuel and lubricant depot territory. All emergency teams completed the task successfully and mastered their skills in emergency situations remedial actions. TZK Tomsk has been a member of Group of Companies Aerofuels since 2011 and it offers a full set of services dealing with acceptance, storage and delivery of diesel fuel, benzene and aviation kerosene over the Tomsk area. The depot makes it convenient additionally to achieve a quick and on-time supply of oil products to the city and the area consumers, as well as to support the Tomsk refineries products export to other regions of Russia. At present the oil depot is a modern highly effective facility for oil products transfer. The Group of Companies Aerofuels is constantly working at the depot upgrading, re-equipment and expansion. Approximately 100 mln rubles have been invested into the fuel and lubricant depot since it was acquired.
17 Oct 2013 |
 Results of Shell&Aerofuels inspection earlier performed by the North-West Directorate of Rostekhnadzor were overturned. Federal service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision (Rostekhnadzor) took up a decision to cancel results of Shell&Aerofuels CJSC (Aerofuels Group member) inspection in Pulkovo airport: conclusions upon the inspection results provided in the Act dated 24.04.2013 were overturned. Unscheduled inspection was performed by the North-West Directorate of Rostekhnadzor in April this year after attorneys at law "YuKS" managing partner V.I. Chesnykh sent an application about Shell&Aerofuels CJSC alleged violation of the active law. Shell&Aerofuels CJSC documented their disagreement with the inspection results and sent a substantiated response to Rostekhnadzor. After Rostekhnadzor deputy manager has studied the company letters and the regional directorate inspection material, the federal service arrived at a decision to cancel the inspection Act. Taking this fact into consideration, Aerofuels Group of companies keeps thinking that attorneys at law "YuKS" managing partner V.I. Chesnykh actions with sending application to different services with attempts to start various inspections regarding legality of the alternative refuelling company business activity at one of the biggest airports of Russia deal with keeping monopoly in the field of aviation fuel supply in Pulkovo airport but not with flights safety concern.
10 Oct 2013 |
 Group of companies Aerofuels ranks 307 in "400 largest companies of Russia" annual rating published this week, moved ten points up. The main parameter to join this rating is the annual volume of products and services performance. In 2012 Aerofuels Group of companies income was 22, 526 mln. rubles, and the growth rate in relation to the previous period was 14.3 %. Such growth appeared to be above the average as according to Expert rating agency information, 400 largest companies increased their income only by 10.4% in 2012. The main goal of "Expert-400" project is to find the largest companies of the Russian economy and to analyze a role of big business in the economic development of Russia, its structure and main tendencies of development on the basis of their business activity results. The rating contributes in the Russian economy transparency, thus favoring its activization, partnership relations and investments inflow. Today "Expert-400" rating is the most representative list of the Russian leading companies. Over the years of its existence the rating received recognition in Russia and abroad as well, it is widely referred to by the Russian and international mass-media. This article is prepared with the materials of Expert Rating Agency
03 Oct 2013 |
As per information which Aerofuels Group of Companies has, some Moscow PR-agency tries to distribute information of negative nature through mass media concerning both the company`s operations and that of Shell&Aerofuels JV (Shell Concern is a joint venture, one of the largest direct foreign investors in the Russian economy, and Aerofuels Group, one of the largest jet fuel supply operators) in Pulkovo airport, disregarding the fact that now this negative information is being contested legislatively in court. Group of Companies Aerofuels would like to express their gratitude to a considered viewpoint of most of the mass media judging upon the events realistically and remaining unprovoked by black PR methods.
04 Sep 2013 |
 S7 Airlines conducted a scheduled auditing of TZK Irkutsk LLC (a member of Aerofuels Group of Companies) and found compliance of the company with the airline requirements in fuel supply. Within the frameworks of the operation quality inner control S7 Airlines conduct such audits of the servicing companies in the part of actual condition of the material and technical resources, works safety, environment protection and technological interaction assessment in order to optimize the quality and time of company services. The airline representatives acquainted with quality and compliance with the declared scope of the tank farm, with condition of quality control laboratory of aviation combustive and lubricating materials, aerodrome refuelling vehicles, with conformance to norms and standards of jet fuel supply and etc. Upon the audit completion S7 Airlines representatives gave a positive opinion about the refuelling complex. As the audit report shows, all recommendations regarding to jet fuel supply of the airline flights are taken into account by Aerofuels Group, which allows S7 Airlines, in their turn, making aviation services for their passengers with high quality and safety. In acknowledgement of a longstanding and fruitful cooperation the airline company delegation together with Aerofuels Group members planted a fir-tree in the territory of the refuelling complex. S7 Airlines, ranking among the leaders of the civil aviation, is a frequent customer of Aerofuels Group of Companies both in the airports of Russia and abroad.
26 Aug 2013 |
 The meeting was held in Domodedovo Moscow airport on August 13 for discussion of aviation fuel provision issues. Representatives of the leading companies of the branch including GosNII GA, Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Rosneft, Shell and Aerofuels and Domodedovo Fuel Services gathered at the conference arranged by the International Air Transportation Association (IATA). The experts reviewed the issues connected with regulatory environment and technical documentation of aviation fuel provision in Russia. The attention of the specialists was focused on the following issues: acceptance and storage of aviation fuel and aircrafts refuelling, problems of Russian documentation conformity to foreign requirements in connection with introduction of the standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 9977.
15 Aug 2013 |
 Aerofuels Group of Companies will invest 380 mln. rubles in the second half of 2013 into construction, reconstruction and technical reequipment of the warehouses of aviation fuels and lubricants as well as into the purchase of new refuellers and special equipment. Investment will be mainly directed to fuelling complexes of Pulkovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Kurgan, Tomsk, Kirov and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Reequipment of the three laboratories of aviation fuels and lubricants quality control by modern equipment is also planned.
09 Aug 2013 |
 The Company offers aviation fuel provision to exotic countries.
One of the flagships of Aerofuels Group of companies – Aerofuels International marked 18 years in the summer 2013. During this period aviation carriers, the customers of the company gained the possibility to refuel their aircrafts in more than 1000 world’s airports nearly worldwide. Aerofuels International partners include the largest transnational oil companies such as ShellAviation, ExxonMobil, BritishPetroleum, ChevronTexaco, Hanwha, KuwaitPetroleum, StatOil and others.
Nowadays the customers of Aerofuels International in foreign airports include not only Russian aviation carriers but also foreign ones that gives us evidence of the professionalism of the employees and of high level of trust to the Russian company. Aviation carriers refuel their flights through Aerofuels Group in all European countries, USA, Canada etc. However, during their extensive practice the managers of Aerofuels International had to arrange refuelling in rather exotic countries within the shortest possible time: Greenland, Northern Mariana Islands, Tanzania, Timor, Guam, Laos and Cambodia, Cote d’Ivoire – this is just an incomplete list of exotic places where Russian airlines have been refuelled thanks to Aerofuels International.
“We often need to refuel not only regular but also special flights in different spots of our planet. We are glad that our work allows the airlines and their passengers filling welcome in the airspace and move nearly without any limitations”, - says Gennady Pavlenko, the General Director of Aerofuels International.
08 Aug 2013 |
 Right after flights resumption from July 2013 Aerofuels Group has added Red Wings airline to their customers. The aviation carrier chose Aerofuels Group as the kerosene and refueling service supplier in Vladivostok and Irkutsk. Abroad Aerofuels arranges Red Wings refueling in the airports of Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece. «Today Red Wings airline has gained a reputation of a reliable and a long-term partner. We are glad that airline maintaining the air craft fleet exclusively of the Russian production has started passengers carriage again» - said Yury Popov, TZK Aerofuels General Director. «We are ready for any expansion of Red Wings route network. Our possibilities in refueling abroad are practically unlimited», - Gennady Pavlenko, Aerofuels International General Director added.