An alternative refueling station started to operate in Domodedovo airport, Moscow. It has got complete set of certificates of conformity for aviation kerosene acceptance, storage and distribution, as well as into-plane refueling service. This refueling complex operator is the joint venture “Shell& Aerofuels”.
The alternative refueling complex launch in Domodedovo is a remarkable event in the field of passenger service: competitive environment in the aviation fuel market makes price conditions favorable for companies-consumers. At present, there are two refueling operators in Domodedovo – Domodedovo Fuels Services and Shell&Aerofuels company.
«We consider the alternative refueling complex construction in the largest Russian airport to be a heavy responsibility and, at the same time, appreciation of our work in this field. In the environment of hard competition for customers, refueling companies offer their best combination of price and quality of services for carriers, at the same time reducing airlines expenses in fuel. Competition stimulates refueling complexes to invest funds into their development to comply with the growing requirements of airlines purchasing modern aircrafts», - said Vladimir Spiridonov, Aerofuels group General Director.
The largest airport of the country has been developing a segment of refueling complex alternative operators especially extensively for the last fourteen years. Thus, Domodedovo was the first to become the Moscow hub having demonopolyzed fuel supply segment at their aerodrome to give opportunity for several companies to operate at one ramp. Among them, there is Shell Aviation - the joint venture of Aerofuels group of companies and a world leader in the field of fuel supply. Within the frameworks of the adopted strategy, Domodedovo made it possible to arrange the alternative refuelling complex operation with one of the key partners of the air harbor becoming its operator.
The alternative refueling complex functions cover a full cycle of operations in aviation kerosene acceptance, storage and distribution, as well as aircrafts refueling, which means that the operator must have relevant certificates and infrastructure capacities. Taking into account a fruitful long-term cooperation in the field of aviation fuel supply, the Domodedovo airport provided a current fuel infrastructure for use of Shell&Aerofuels having preliminarily received all necessary permit documents.